Tyler Baker Photography is a Non-Profit/Cultural Social Enterprise Organization based in Alberta, Canada.

In this context we exist as a boundary organization, positioned in both the cultural and commercial spaces, and providing services to both for-profit (FP) and not-for-profit (NFP) customers. The Vision and Mission Statements of the Organization are:


Our vision is to be the first choice and most trusted photography partner of both artists seeking to promote their creative endeavours and organizations seeking to align their brand with the arts and community.


Our mission as a social and cultural enterprise is to use our expertise in composition, lighting, and storytelling to co-create images which are “about” rather than “of” the people and organizations we partner with. In doing so we contribute to both their success and to the sustainability and vibrancy of cultural diversity which we define as any art form or expression that is outside the dominant paradigm in any particular community.

A commercial relationship with us as your service provider will not only provide the high-quality imagery your business requires but will simultaneously contribute to your triple bottom line or philanthropic aspirations.Commercial photography services we provide include advertising, marketing materials and campaigns, graduation and other portraits; all earnings are used to finance our non-profit activity with the artist community . We use Social Return on Investment(SROI) to capture the value of our contribution. SROI has been embraced as a way for the social enterprise sector to better understand their impacts and to quantify that value in monetary terms.

We believe this provides a unique value proposition for both our FP and NFP customers.

Don't wait! Join our movement!​​​​​

                                     TYLER BAKER                                                                                                        CECILIA FERREYRA

A NON-PROFIT Organization

​​Tyler Baker Photography